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Test Result : CellEditor mouse click

0 failures (±0)
9 tests (±0)
Took 0.16 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
CellEditor mouse click does not open cell editor if a ctrl or shift is pressed, because the user probably wants to do row selection rather than cell editing19 msPassed
CellEditor mouse click does not start cell edit if cell is not editable18 msPassed
CellEditor mouse click does not start cell edit if form is disabled18 msPassed
CellEditor mouse click does not start cell edit if middle mouse button was pressed18 msPassed
CellEditor mouse click does not start cell edit if mouse down and up happened on different cells18 msPassed
CellEditor mouse click does not start cell edit if right mouse button was pressed17 msPassed
CellEditor mouse click does not start cell edit if row is disabled19 msPassed
CellEditor mouse click does not start cell edit if table is disabled18 msPassed
CellEditor mouse click starts cell edit if cell is editable18 msPassed